The project

Our research is aimed at laying down a theoretical framework for a public institutional ethos grounded on the Rule of Law (hereinafter “ROL”). The purpose of the project can be summed up in three goals. The first one is to advance in the understanding of the current process of implementation of the ROL by focusing on the aptitudes, capacities, skills and virtues requested to the participants in the practices of a ROL system (both legal practitioners and citizens, even though our proposal will be focused on the former). Building on the review of the vast literature on the ROL and the international and related domestic legal documents, the research intends to test the hypothesis that the ROL shall be grounded on, and even identified with, an ‘institutional ethos’ consisting of ‘institutional virtues’. The definition of its constituent elements will result also from the structured interaction with some key players of the ROL system, such as judges, lawyers, and public servants as indicated in the third goal. 

The second goal is to articulate the essential elements of the institutional ethos proper of the ROL, drawing upon (i) the resources provided by a Virtue Ethics approach, which emphasizes moral character and virtue over duties and rules, and which includes and revitalizes also the writings of classical thinkers such as Aristotle, Cicero, Montesquieu; (ii) the more recent acquisition of the Virtue Jurisprudence, which advocates that legal theory shall execute the aretaic turn proper of the ethics of virtues, and (iii) some recent trends in professional ethics of legal practitioners in Italy. 

The third goal of the research, which has an experimental nature, is to co-produce and promote – in the context of a sort of contamination lab with judges, lawyers and public servants – a list of institutional virtues (those strictly linked to the ROL), and three related short curricula, to be tested with students in the schools of law, and to be proposed as experimental tools for lifelong learning activities for legal practitioners. Such an approach is intended as a meaningful contribution to renewing and supplementing lifelong learning activities and professional ethics of judges, lawyers and public servants, countering two currently dominant approaches: the one that identifies professional ethics with codes of conducts to be strictly followed and implemented through disciplinary sanctions; the other that conflates professional ethics with general ethics, paving the way to an excess of moralism, or at least to a lack of moral specification of the ethics of legal professions, whose heart is the legal ideal of ROL.

About Our Research


The proposal is to be positioned at the intersection between two relevant directions of research currently ongoing in the field of legal philosophy. The first is the ROL, which is most often defined as the political ideal that arbitrary power shall be tempered by legal rules.


The research aims at three different goals


Unit 1. The unit of Palermo will work on three lines, informed by three innovative directions of expertise. One is the controversial status and extension of ROL, relevant for translating it into an institutional ethos and in a personal virtuous project. The more convincing lists of ROL requirements will be confronted with the legal virtues (Trujillo 2013).


Our research findings can be applied to various fields such as legal systems, governance, and professional ethics.

Features and Aspects of the Rule of Law System

Learn about the key elements that make up a strong rule of law system.

Virtue Ethics and Professionalism

Explore how the rule of law is grounded in virtues and ethics for legal professionals.

Comparative Legal Studies

Discover the importance of understanding different legal systems and their impact on the rule of law.

Human Rights and Governance

Learn how the rule of law ensures the protection of human rights and promotes good governance.

Legal Framework and Judiciary

Find out how laws and judicial systems are fundamental components of a strong rule of law system.

Join us in Promoting a Virtuous and Just Society Founded on the Rule of Law

Infographic Numbers about the Rule of Law

Virtue Ethics in Legal Studies


The Rule of Law in Political Systems


Professional Ethics in the Judiciary


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